I’m from Idaho.
Let me guess… you’ve never met anyone from there? (Unless you’re my immediate family & friends.) I like to tease that Idahoans are quite exclusive…. rare gems, if you will. ? There are only 1.6 million in the whole Gem State, after all so…
I kid, I kid. But I do love to make it back to the peaceful, beautiful, serene place that is my home state as frequently as possible, as a nice get-away!
My fiancee and I went back to Idaho last week and we were blessed by a beautiful engagement dinner party with a few close family members and friends.
There is nothing I love more than an intimate, special gathering with people you can really “be yourself” around and have meaningful conversation with. So, to spend time with long-time role models and companions like my childhood best friend, God Parents, parents, family friends, etc., was refreshing! You know what I’m talking about, the people you can let your hair down with! It’s so refreshing!
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- I can’t even with the J & H cookies. I’m obsessed.
- Here, I give you an Idaho back yard. Complete with the outdoor kitchen, tiki bar, a billion salsas and … the occasional monogram ?
- This is…. my reaction when a long-time family friend found orange roses! They’re my favorite!
And…. the berries on the ice cream?! Well, they’re huckleberries and they can only be found in the mountains of Idaho and Montana. I’m intent on having homemade huckleberry jam at the wedding, so my family is currently hiking/picking for berries every waking hour! We want everyone to enjoy the special fruit of the northwest!
While it is hard to not be planning the “Idaho wedding” I always imagined, I’m lucky to have parents who just want me to be happy and will celebrate & travel to wherever they need to be!
If you ever meet my fiancee, you’ll realize immediately why everyone LOVES him. He’s just that amazing and kind. So… my Idaho friends and family had to add a bit of Texas to the mix, to make sure he knows how loved he is !Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download
We also took our engagement pics in Idaho and I can’t wait to share them with you! Until next time…
Xoxo, Jenny