by Jenny Anchondo | Jun 3, 2019 | Baby, Blog, Fitness
In an effort to be encouraging, I told you to make the gym like an appointment you’d never miss. I suggested you make it a habit, like brushing your teeth. I told you to log your workouts and log your food and log your water and and and and and… And then I...
by Jenny Anchondo | Sep 19, 2016 | Blog, Fitness, Motivation, Philanthropy
When is the last time you heard a friend say “I feel so fat” or “that would look terrible on me” or “I hate the way my body looks”? In my experience, it happens all the time in groups of women and we tend to feed off of each other – trading one negative comment...
by Jenny Anchondo | Sep 11, 2015 | Blog, Fitness, Philanthropy
Is this real life? I got to hang with an incredible group of women this week for the “10 Most Influential Women in Dallas” event and I wanted to share some of the “behind the scenes” pics. I do believe we are a reflection of those who we choose...
by Jenny Anchondo | May 9, 2015 | Fitness
Limitless desserts, drinks that taste like pure candy and the lure of a lazy day at the pool. Ahhhh. From the big indulgences can come big consequences when it comes to fitness. I recently navigated my way through my first cruise and had to put my own fitness advice...