The new Second Shot logo!
Hello hello everyone! I’ve been dying to let you in on this but I had to wait until we sorted out all of the details. I’m officially teaming up with my husband to co-host the Second Shot podcast! I’ve been a guest on the show several times and we just thought it made sense! The podcasting space is THE growing media space as far as I’m concerned and I really wanted to get in on some of this real estate as I explore and expand my broadcasting career. I MISS all of you and this is a perfect and positive connection point.
Here’s what I love about this show and this platform. We can do WHATEVER we want — and we can let you help guide and shape the conversation.
If you’re not familiar with the podcast — My husband started it a couple of years ago as a space for like minded people to come together and get inspired. It has a large following of people from all over the world who have a common goal — to up level their game in the work world, as a family member, a friend or a citizen of the world. We basically delve into news topics and take a “Second Shot” at them — to extract some business, life or practical lessons. We are not political. But we are spicy.
We actually announced the news of me joining the show on the 99th episode, which just dropped today!
If you’re totally new to the podcasting world, let’s get you involved! (I only started listening to podcasts a couple of years ago and they have CHANGED my life. This is where I go now for all sorts of resources, information, news etc. BEST of all– they are FREE.) Think of a podcast as radio you can listen to anywhere — at any time with hyper-specific topics.
On an Apple device — you just download the iTunes app. (It is purple and it probably was already installed on your phone when you got it.)
Click here to listen to Second Shot on iTunes.
On an Android device — you just download the Google Play app and you can listen for there.
Click here to listen to Second Shot in Google Play.
You can also listen for free on Sticher or SoundCloud!
I’ve always trusted you for HONEST feedback on the news projects, media, etc. that I’ve been involved in and I genuinely want to hear what you think of the show. Please let me know. We are excited to grow this podcast along with you and truly BE OF SERVICE to the audience! Thank you for all of the support – this is going to be a blast!